R.I.P - 04.10.17
The Dorset Seven
Videos from inside the kennels post clean up
Former Poole Greyhound Trainer
kept dogs in horrific conditions at the kennels
in her rear garden in Dorset, UK.
kept dogs in horrific conditions at the kennels
in her rear garden in Dorset, UK.
Caged was initially contacted during early September by an informant who had grave concerns of badly treated dogs at a former licensed trainers kennels.
The informant had very restricted access to the kennels, and the kennels were situated on private land therefore we could not access them without permission from the owner.
We asked for evidence to be gathered, including ear tattoo (ID) of the dogs, but we understood this could take time due to restricted access.
Meanwhile the RSPCA had been notified but had refused to act if the dogs had water, food and shelter of which we were told the dogs did have when the call was made.
On the 27th September 2017, Caged received images and video footage of the conditions at the kennels.
We were told the former trainer had been approached about re homing the dogs but during the discussion had threatened to have them shot by the local huntsmen.
After gathering as much information as possible about this case and the history of the kennels, Caged contacted the owner on Friday 29th September. We had a long discussion with her and understood she was a former Poole licensed greyhound trainer. We were invited to visit the kennels and view the conditions. We advised her that we were a greyhound protection group, and she seemed very comfortable speaking to us about her dogs, but told us that if the dogs were ever removed, she would replace them.
During the telephone conversation, the owner claimed the greyhounds were well taken care of and that she had a friend within the RSPCA who had previously visited her kennels and informed her that there were no issues with the conditions. We were not given any name of an RSPCA inspector or provided with any evidence of this. However we did view the 2009 article which mentions a previous RSPCA visit to the premises, when she was licensed to race greyhounds.
Kerry Elliman from Birmingham Greyhound Protection also spoke to her and offered rescue spaces for her dogs, but Eve declined.
Click to read the 2009 article;
It was necessary for us to assess the conditions for ourselves before deciding what steps to take.
The owner was elderly and her husband is unwell, therefore we decided to offer her help with re homing of the dogs via a reputable rescue.
Birmingham Greyhound Protection have foster homes across the country and we asked them to get involved with this case, to help assist with any possible re homing of the dogs, if agreed by the owner.
On Sunday 1st of October 2017, representatives from Caged Nationwide and Birmingham Greyhound Protection travelled to Dorset, after making arrangements with the owner just 48 hrs earlier.
On entering the kennels, we witnessed seven very distressed greyhounds.
Some of the dogs were mentally shut down and others were desperate for attention.
[Greyhounds often shut down when unable to cope with their environment, as they are sensitive dogs and often struggle with the isolation, boredom and lack of natural environment.]
The kennels had no lighting, either natural or artificial - We had to use torches to see the dogs
The stench of faeces and urine was unbearable, with no flow of air.
The floors were saturated and water and urine was pooling in areas.
There was no proper ventilation, no windows open, no light whatsoever and no drainage.
There was no sign of any stimulation for the dogs, no toys, bones etc
The dogs were given food while we visited. There were blue bottles hovering around the food preparation area.
We could not see if any of the dogs were carrying old injuries as we were unable to get close to all of them, except one who had clear signs of gingivitis.
We asked the owner if she would allow the dogs to go to foster homes via Birmingham Greyhound Protection. Eve told us that she would rather the dogs were killed than re homed to people she did not know!
Kerry Elliman from Birmingham Greyhound Protection assured Eve, that the dogs would go to loving homes and photographs could be sent to her as often as she wished, to verify that they were happy and safe.
The former trainer/owner persisted to refuse the dogs the chance of caring homes, and during conversation kept referring back to her Trophy's which she had won during the dogs racing years.
We decided to make her an offer as she spoke of a deep respect she had for her former racing manager.
We asked if she would allow the dogs to go to rescue on condition Poole track manager contacted her on our behalf and verified that Kerry Elliman at Birmingham Greyhound Protection had a good reputation for re homing greyhounds.
We felt we may have reached mutual ground and we left the premises, sadly leaving the greyhounds behind, but with intention to immediately contact the track and ask for their assistance to help relieve the dogs from the awful suffering.
Who was contacted:
Poole Greyhound Stadium
The Greyhound Board of Great Britain
Caged and BGP made numerous urgent calls to Poole Stadium.
Caged requested to speak with the racing office on 3 occasions but was told on 2 occasions that it was closed, and on the third occasion while it was open, was refused any communication with the staff in that department. On one instance Caged spoke to a member of staff and explained the call was a matter of 'urgent' animal welfare concerns.
The member of staff abruptly replied, "Tonight is just about the customers and nothing else!!"
On asking the member of staff his name, he replied, Mr Hughes.
Staff at Poole Greyhound track and the Greyhound Board of Great were made aware of the threats that the dogs were going to be shot. Both were unwilling to help.
Kerry Elliman made several calls to Poole Stadium, and eventually spoke to the General Manager who told her that they wanted no involvement in the case.
The Greyhound Board of Great Britain also told us that they wanted nothing to do with the situation.
These greyhounds were bred and used for racing and were severely mistreated with no intervention from an industry that once used them for profit.
Rule 18i e of the GBGB was breached when these dogs were not homed responsibly.
This same rule is repeatedly breached by greyhound trainers and owners, with greyhounds being found in unsuitable ramshackle outbuildings, or even in countries that have no animal welfare laws.
On 04.10.17 the former trainer notified us that the dogs had been killed, not even 3 full days after we visited them.
A hunter told us that he had given her a telephone number for the local huntsman to shoot them on the grounds that they were suffering so badly that he preferred they were shot. He said the authorities had refused to help and the dogs had remained suffering for too many years.
A hunt members relative later told us enquiries had been made with the local hunt and they would not reply as to whether they had shot the dogs.
An informant has advised us that the kennels are now empty but we are concerned that she may replace the dogs with other raced greyhounds. The owner told us that she was good friends with a greyhound trainer from Poole Stadium.
Due to the history of this former trainer and the information we have been provided with, we believe there could be many greyhound corpses buried under the grounds of these premises, but we are not aware of any authority having a duty to dig these gardens up, exhume the cadavers, and examine them to identify how they died.
We are aware of other cases involving different breeds of dogs, where investigations have led to bodies being exhumed, but in the case of greyhounds, we believe they are very much treated second class compared to most other breeds of dog, and aren't afforded the same amount of care due to their use for the gambling industry to make a profit.
Once again, we bring an exposure that provides evidence that these gentle and loyal loving dogs are used and abused by the greyhound racing industry.
We have identified two of the dogs as Kenz Ruby (Brindle F) and her brother Kenz Amigo (Black M)
Thank you to Birmingham Greyhound Protection for all their efforts and offering to re -home all seven dogs
Caged had given a full statement to Dorset police after the dogs were killed. Their final response was that they were too busy to deal with the case.
One of the witnesses contacted us after speaking to the police. She sounded extremely shaken and was crying, she would not give us full details regarding the conversation with the police but told us she was not allowed to speak to us again. We have not heard from her since.
Caged has since became a private prosecutor and will take court action against anyone breaching the Animal Welfare Act 2006, and where raced/racing greyhounds are unnecessarily suffering.
Please click the below image and sign the petition to gain protection for retired greyhounds