Keats aka Ciarans Socks
Left to die after being given away for 'Free to good home'
Left to die after being given away for 'Free to good home'
Above is Keats enjoying the good life, but that wasn't always the case here is the history of Ciarans Socks (pictured below) - a 5 year old male - was last raced in April 2012 and then given away 'free to good home' by Sheffield trainer Martin Cutler. Unable to care for Ciarans Socks - the new owner asked Cutler to take him back but he refused. Cutler's abandonment of Ciarans Socks complies with the industry's Rules of Racing. However - Cutler had previously been disciplined over an all important betting integrity issue when he doped a dog in his 'care' in 2010. Ciarans socks was yet another prince to pass through the biggest independent Greyhound rescue in the north of England TIA greyhounds